
  • To provide a medium for Australian medical students to publish their work and share ideas with their peers.
  • To provide a suitable forum for students to make the transition between assignment-writing and producing publishable academic work.
  • To inform students about medical topics and issues not typically addressed in core curricula.
  • To facilitate discussion of current issues relevant to medical students.
  • To allow Australian medical schools to showcase the research aspects of their programs.
  • To provide a further incentive for students to produce high-quality work in their studies.
  • To foster the next generation of Australian medical researchers and physician-scientists.
  • To provide an avenue for students interested in a career in medical editing or publishing to pursue this interest as a student staff member.


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    ISSN (Print): 1837-171X
    ISSN (Online): 1837-1728
    ABN: 51967802511